Posts with Tag: Science

Experiences as a Computer Science Graduate Teaching Assistant

It’s almost the end of my second term of being a teaching assistant at the University of Guelph. Thi ...

Coast-to-Coast Seminars

Today I found out about some cross-Canada computer / math seminars that are sponsored by a consortiu ...

Top 10 Reasons to Study Computer Science in 2009

The trend in blogs, the internet and news sites lately is to write articles about the economy. Inste ...

CIS Career Night @ University of Guelph

On January 28th, the Computer Science department at the University of Guelph is having their annual ...

Tips for Getting into Grad School and Receiving Funding

Occasionally, I get asked questions on how to get into grad school, what can be done to improve the ...

Computer Science, A Science? Still debated…

As an update to my previous post on this subject “Computer Science, A Science?” more debate has take ...

Ubiquitous Computing vs Virtual Reality

Early this week, during a lecture at Guelph by Dr. Denko, I was introduced to the idea of ubiquitous ...

Computer Science: A Science?

Computer Science is a broad term used to describe many areas in the field of computing. Wikipedia de ...

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Multicast Ipv4 and Ipv6 in Java / Kotlin

I recently ran into a peculiarity of multicast in Java / Kotlin. I was using a MulticastSocket: []( and trying to ensure that it winds up bound to either an Inet4Address or Inet6Address. It turns out that even if I did something like: ``` val multicastSocket = MulticastSocket(InetSocketAddress("", MULTICAST_DEFAULT_PORT)) assert(multicastSocket.localAddress is Inet4Address) ``` The assertion could fail. Similarly if I did: ``` val multicastSock ...