Posts with Tag: Jason B. Ernst

Blog stats

This blog has been running for quite a few years now and I got thinking about the traffic patterns o ...

Including Blogs in Tenure & Promotion

Inspired by this blog post: [ ...

Upcoming PhD QE Progress

So I’ve been doing my PhD for over two years now, and I haven’t posted a reflective “state of the th ...

Tutorial: sockets – 3 ways to listen

As you may know, I have been ta-ing a course in operating systems. We just finished covering sockets ...

Updates: Publications,Guelph ACM,Teaching,Thesis

Just a short post with some updates since I’ve been quite busy as usual. I have submitted the final ...

ICC 2010 – Cross-Layer Mixed Bias Scheduling for Wireless Mesh Networks

This post is somewhat motivated by [Prof. Andrew Eckford’s post]( ...

AINA 2009 Conference Presentation

This past week I travelled to the UK to present at my first International Conference – Advanced Info ...

Thesis Defense a Success!

Last Friday I successfully defended my thesis at Guelph. The room was full with lots of friends, stu ...

Most Recent Post

Multicast Ipv4 and Ipv6 in Java / Kotlin

I recently ran into a peculiarity of multicast in Java / Kotlin. I was using a MulticastSocket: []( and trying to ensure that it winds up bound to either an Inet4Address or Inet6Address. It turns out that even if I did something like: ``` val multicastSocket = MulticastSocket(InetSocketAddress("", MULTICAST_DEFAULT_PORT)) assert(multicastSocket.localAddress is Inet4Address) ``` The assertion could fail. Similarly if I did: ``` val multicastSock ...